A poem
I like how it fell,
silently and slowly,
as if it was in no rush to touch the floor.
I liked how it moved,
oblivious to its surrounding,
oblivious to the bodies that thwarted them away.
it still fell.
I liked how it didn’t know if it’d touch the floor,
how some may touch the warmth of the sun,
a contact too hot,
and immediately disappear.
I liked how it was just like us,
stars from the sky,
never knowing when we will reach our last pavement landing,
never knowing if the last moment we touch will be warm or cold.
I liked how it was us
in this world of chaos,
surrounded by each other,
but only drifted apart by seconds.
We are the same,
from the same womb,
all falling towards the same inevitability of being part of mother herself.